Geert Wilders and the Koran on Trial

29 09 2010

From Gates of Vienna:

Sergei Bourachaga returns with a follow-up to his earlier article about the Koran’s hate speech, extending his argument to take in the legal case against Geert Wilders.

Rotterdam Mosque, Geert Wilders
Geert Wilders and the Koran on Trial
by Sergei Bourachaga

In early October 2010, the Dutch Ministry of Justice will move ahead with the prosecution of Geert Wilders, a democratically elected member of Parliament who leads the most popular opposition party in the Netherlands. By now it is very clear to all those who followed the chronological development of this “kangaroo-type” prosecution that the Dutch government is not motivated by a quest for justice, but by an overzealous drive to silence what is politically incorrect to express in public, even if it is rooted in scientifically observed, measured, and validated facts. In other words, prosecutors have been instructed to sever the head of a very vocal person and display it in a highly visible place, as a reminder of the price every person in the kingdom has to pay for refusing to tolerate Islamic intolerance of Western values.

Read the rest.